Little Guide to Breaking Bad


Breaking Bad broke all the rules, along with its fans' brains. It's that good.

It was also the first TV show of the binge-watch era, a beacon of the much-discussed Golden Age of TV, and Netflix's biggest semi-original hit when it transferred to the platform in 2010, two years after it began airing on original broadcaster, AMC. Skip forward to that incredible final episode in 2013, and the world is full to the brim with Pinkman bitches and pork pie hat wearers. Today, it has evolved into the stuff of legends – just like Heisenberg himself.

To celebrate the first big anniversary of this game-changing TV show, The Little Guide to Breaking Bad – available in blue, naturally – delves deep into the show's production, popularity, impact and legacy, from revealing stunning behind-the-scenes secrets to much analysis on the quality of dialogue and classic quotes. All the words of those who made it and love it.

An essential and insightful read for nerds of the show, this little guide will ensure readers finally know the differences between pseudoephedrine reduction and reductive amination, as well as take a trip down memory lane to reminisce about the time when Walt, Jessie, Skylar, Gus and Hank (and Heisenberg) went a little too loco down in Alburquerque.

To paraphrase the show, 'Your best course for this book would be to read lightly...'