trap kitchen: mac n all over the world

Three years after the release of their first cookbook Trap Kitchen: Bangin' Recipes From Compton and a whirlwind of success later, former rival gang members turned famous chefs Malachi "Spank" Jenkins and Roberto "News" Smith are back with a second serving. Trap Kitchen: Mac'N All Over The World will combine the soul of macaroni and cheese from the heart of Compton with the flavors of regions around the world. From a business that started selling plates through their living room window via Instagram ads to now having multiple food trucks and even a brick and mortar store, Mac'N All Over The World continues where the first cookbook left off, inspiring people from all walks of life to follow their passion no matter what the odds are. And following a year like 2020, the message hits that much harder. Just like last time, the cookbook will take another deep dive into the journey of Trap Kitchen's growth since they first made their mark in the literary world.